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Federal & State Criminal Defense Attorney in Los Angeles, California

If you or a loved one has been charged with a federal or state crime, we have the experience and knowledge needed to provide a solid defensive strategy. At Jingozian Law Firm in Los Angeles, our criminal defense attorneys – serving Orange and Riverside County – are committed to the notion that all defendants are innocent until proven guilty. We understand that you have legal rights, and we aim to see that those rights are protected in a court of law. If you are considering retaining a criminal defense lawyer, you should contact our firm today. We can explain the criminal court case process to you and provide you with an expert opinion on the best course of action.

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Computer Crimes

Computer fraud, computer hacking, possessing or distributing Internet child pornography, and a variety of other computer crimes can be tried at the state and federal levels. If you or a loved one has been charged with a computer crime by the state of California or the federal government, our Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys can help. Serving Orange County, Riverside County, and beyond, our experienced lawyers have the experience and drive needed to protect your rights and defend your case.

Tax Evasion

Not paying taxes, falsely reporting your income, or hiding taxable funds from the government is illegal and can result in extensive fines, back payment of taxes, and in some instances, jail time. If you have come under investigation by the Internal Revenue Service or you have been charged with tax evasion, you must seek the legal counsel of a qualified attorney. At Jingozian Law Firm, our criminal defense attorneys have extensive experience handling state and federal crimes.


Extortion is a crime in which an individual intimidates, coerces, or threatens another party with physical harm or character defamation to exact financial gain. This can include the unlawful acquisition of money, property, or services, though an individual can be charged regardless of whether he or she has actually received compensation, so long as a threat was made. If the extortion is made via telephone, mail, or any other method that may be deemed a tool of interstate commerce, it can fall into the jurisdiction of the federal government.


The white collar crime of bribery involves promising to, giving to, or taking from an individual or party, money, gifts, or any other object of value to persuade that party’s opinions or actions. An example would be the illegal exchange of gifts between a company representative and an elected official in exchange for legislation favorable to the company. If you or a loved one has been charged with bribery, you should contact our Los Angeles criminal defense attorneys. Residents in Orange County, Riverside County, and throughout Southern California can trust the lawyers at Jingozian Law Firm for effective representation.


The production of false currency or documents for the purpose of fraud is illegal. If you have been charged with producing false monetary notes, it is important that you seek the legal counsel of an attorney well versed in federal law. A conviction on federal counterfeiting charges can result in up to 20 years imprisonment and extensive fines. Our criminal defense attorneys can help ensure that your legal rights are protected, including your right to a fair trial and due process of the law.

Federal & State Criminal Defense Attorney
in Los Angeles, California

Serving the Los Angeles, California community, including the surrounding areas of Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, and Orange County, our attorney is prepared to serve you directly. Whether you need a tax lawyer, white-collar crimes lawyer, or more, make sure to reach out to us today and schedule your free consultation.